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The origin of my issue: In posting a forum linked blog post, I used the YouTube video box provided by WP. The video looks great in the blog post, but doesn't appear in the forum post. I'm assuming there might not be a fix for that. If that's the case, I understand. If not, please enlighten.
Meanwhile...I thought I could edit the forum post (by adding the video) without updating the blog post. The option to uncheck updating the blog post didn't appear. All that appeared was the words "Update blog post." There was no box and it was not a button.
My other plan was to go into the post editor and uncheck the "Update forum topic with subsequent edits" box. Everytime I did, made a change and click update the change would revise the forum post and the box would automatically be checked again.
Because these two options didn't work, I end up with 1 of 2 results...
- Video perfectly displayed in blog post, but nothing in forum.
- Video appears once in forum post and twice in blog post.
Basically, I'm trying to have the video appear in the blog post using the YouTube box AND in the forum BUT I'd also like to be able to make edits for the forum without effecting the blog post version or vice-versa.
I used the YouTube video box provided by WP
are you sure this is not provide by a plugin?? WP does include such a box by default...
so really depends what is getting inserted into the blog post content.... can you see in the raw post content in the db? wp normally does oembeds for video - but my guess is the plugin is inserting an iframe...
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It's the default WP box for YouTube or Vimeo.
Here's a link to the blog: http://www.smallgroupchurches......ll-groups/
Here's a link to the linked forum post:
I guess it's kind of two questions:
- Is the forum supposed to duplicate videos from the default WP box?
- Why can't I make subsequent edits to the blog posts that don't effect the forum topic or vice-versa?
Afraid I still dont know what you mean by a standard wp box for adding youtube/vimeo video... default wp does not provide meta box for video upload... the standard wp way for doing video from youtube, vimeo or other is oembed - that is just put the link in the content...
are you talking about the media uploader? are we just talking jargon differences? dont think so since the html markup for the video is not standard wp either... guessing you have plugin or theme that is providing that wp box you refer too... do you still see if with wp default theme in use?
as to wp blog post updates, it depends on your settings... you can have updates applied or not... check forum - components - blog post linking... just make sure the 'Update topic post on comment edit or delete' option is not checked...
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Actually you have uncovered a small bug there. One of those areas that so rarely gets visited it has not been spotted before now. We changed the way checkboxes are displayed several versions ago and it looks like the one to uncheck if you do not want the blog post updated upon a linked forum post edit is not working as expected. I suspect the html is back to front. I will get that fixed ASAP.
However - @mr-papa is quite correct in that the default and simple way to include a youtube vidseo into a blog post is simply to enter the url for that video. A process called oembed - built into WP and YouTube (and many other websites) takes over to display the video when the page is loaded.
As Steve surmised - it looks like your 'box' is creating and saving an iFrame (although we can not be sure without looking at your database). By default, iFrames are not allowed in forum posts because they are extremely dangerous and can let users embed all kinds of nasty things on your site - including code that could take everything down! iFrames already embedded in posts do no harm - but it is unwise to let people use them in posts. This is the main reason that the oembed process is so useful as the need for iframes is no longer needed.
So - assuming this is the case, the forum post will strip any iframes from the content (by default) as a security filter.
I think he means a featured video post where you just add a video url which then creates the featured image and the video is the first thing seen on the blog post.
I have noticed this as well and usually have to go in and edit the forum post with the youtube link.
Yellow, as an admin I am allowed to use iframes on the forums but it would still strip the iframe?
No, its not standard... but any theme (or plugin) can add any additional meta box that they want... its quite simple...
but a video meta box is wholly unneeded since with default built in oembed, you just need to paste th url and the video embedding happens itself... without iframes in the post content...
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