Support Forum
are you only allowing admins to upload attachments? appears so, because you have many errors with the uploader which only gets loaded (or attempted) for admins:
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
you need to make sure those file exist...
what do you see if you go to forum - themes - theme list or forum - plugins - plugin list in the admin?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hmmmm, no. In permissions I've allowed Standard, Full and Moderator to upload files and images.
In the admin, if I go: forum > themes, I see: Current Theme > Default 1.0.14 by Andy Staines & Steve Klasen
In the admin, if I go: forum > plugins, I see the list of all loaded plugins, 5 of which are activated, including 'File Uploader (using Plupload)'
there is no plupload (file uploader) stuff for guests... well, make sense since that is not possible...
so did you check to see if those files actually exist? you might have had an issue when ftp'ing them to the server...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
there is a whole sub directory missing under plupload/resources/jscript... should be also a jquery.ui.plupload directory which contains more directories and files... they are missing in your image...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I dont think so... I just downloaded from the site and they are there...
I would check your zip extractor and make sure it isnt set to a max depth of extraction... winzip for example can do that...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
3 different extractors all delivered the same thing.
I have NEVER had an issue unzipping files much larger, or deeper, than this before. Maybe I've pulled down the wrong one? ""
On the themes, I get and error telling me the file is missing: /wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/stacked/styles/stacked.php
It happened for each of the different additional themes.
and notice that each one is the same level deep as the problem for you... what kind of machine are you on? windows? just use the built in extractor if you dont have winzip... if mac, will need to andy to discuss with you...
you are extracting on your local machine and then uploading via ftp, right? and you looked on your local machine vice the server?
but they are there in the zip archive... if not, trust me we would have more people having the same issue...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World