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that error means the file uploaded was already removed from your tmp directory... can you see if your php.ini file has tmp upload directory defined and that its accessible...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
And i have found that other videos such as CNN while will not work with just the url, can be added by clicking the html tab on tinymce editor and pasting the embed code into the html. Did one from CNN that way today.
Another slick trick is to use the WP Plugin Hanna Code Insert:
Past your code and copy the short code into your simple press post. Good for embedding PP Donate Buttons, Google Map Code, etc.
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
yup, all work as long as the embedded code doesnt use iframes... you dont want your users with the ability to post iframes... if you really, really want that, you can filter the kses allowed html tags and add it, but do so at your own risk...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World