Support Forum
The View New Posts button has stopped working although I seem to have full functionality on the rest of the Forum (posting, editing etc).
I recently upgraded to the latest version of SP (5.6.7) and upgraded a couple of SP Plugins.
I have tried deactivating all my other plugins but it made no difference. Other moderators are able to read and approve posts.
Any thoughts? website is
Only the new post popup? Weird!
Do you know how to check the Web console for script errors? If not there is an FAQ here -
Hopefully that might show us the issue...
OK, I think I have something (although I have no idea what it is). Over to you Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED
jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLIFrameElement': Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
The 'Uncaught SecurityError' could well cause scripts to fail bit I would have expected that to include other popups like the 'About',
But we should investigate this first if for no other reason then to discount it.
So - have you recently started to use a plugin that incorporates the Share This service - either the SP Share This plugin or a WordPress plugin? And if so - could you deactivate ot to see if that resolves the current issue?
Of course - I forgot all about the SPF plugins. It worked a treat. I seem to be back in control. I'm guessing that there were other areas affected (like About) and I just didn't go there.
Oddly, though, I don't remember loading or activating "Share This" - must have done it ages ago.
Thanks again for your help.
Ah good. It seems like your site is not allowing iFrames to be formed. Sensible but a bit restrictive. The Share This service creates an iFrame. So if you want to use it you will need to set whatever is stopping it (might be some sort of security plugin) to allow it from the Share This site. In effect white list it.