Support Forum
Well, I deleted everything and did a fresh install of WP to a new database, then added SP with the Blog Post Linking plugin. Everything worked fine and a test post was linked to the forum.
I uploaded Wishlist, and activated the plugin. The first post I made after activating Wishlist didn't auto-link to the forum. De-activating Wishlist and updating the post resulted in the link to the forum being generated.
There's nothing added to Wishlist, no other plugins for SP uploaded and the only other Wordpress plugin is the default, inactive Akismet.
Do these errors mean anything?
May 5, 2014 12:32 pm | spaErrNotice | 3 | php
file: ternez/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/blog-linking/library/sp-linking-blog.php
line: 35
function: sp_save_blog_link
Notice | Undefined index: sfedit
May 5, 2014 12:31 pm | spaErrNotice | 1 | php
file: ternez/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/blog-linking/sp-linking-upgrade.php
line: 15
function: sp_linking_do_upgrade_check
Notice | Undefined index: dbversion