Support Forum
I've been wrestling with this issue for a few days now and am looking for guidance in how to debug the issue. If you look at our main home page here, you will see there's a nice background surrounding the center content of the page. Now, if you go to our forum area, you won't see the background or any css styling for the area surrounding the forum at all. If you were to login as a user or admin though, then it appears and it all looks fine again.
I'm running SP 5.0 and this problem was showing up in the older 4.x version as well. We are running the css-only theme. We upgraded and it didn't solve anything. We are on a linux system and I checked the permissions of the images folder and it looks fine.
Is this a problem anyone's heard of before? What files should I start working with or what should I be looking for in the code? There are many files and I don't want to waste a lot of time looking at the wrong things. I suspect it's probably something to do with how the directory is called for someone logged in vs someone who is a guest....
Any help is appreciated!
well, I cannot explain why its happening, but I can tell you what is happening...
on the main page, the background is:
on the forum page, the background is:
the wp theme is loading the original background but then the s2 member plugin is replacing it with its own background image...
why? cant say for sure, but it certainly appears to be an issue with the s2 member plugin... perhaps its being a bit greedy and seeing the inline login form within the forum? and decided to greedily take over the whole page??? you could try going to forum - components - login and registration and disable the inline login and see if things change...
or figure out what s2 member is doing...
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