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I've made the changes to show read and unread icons differently.
However, if i go into a topic that has one unread post and view that page. Then return to the topic or forum view page it still shows up as unread. Why is this? Is something being cached? What needs to happen to refresh that status?
Does an admin have to mark an item as read? It appears, items only lose their unread status if i go into the admin bad and say it's been read.
How does a user mark things as read? In fact, why wouldn't it be implicit. The act of a me, the user, viewing the page should change the status to read? right?
How does this work?
its 'sort of' implicit... to keep an exact record would be very expensive from a cpu/db perspective... so its unread from last visit... from the old wiki, but still applicable:
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I've read your documentation and it makes more sense.
However, still seems like perhaps something is off or i'm not clear what 'User selects to view a topic( and that means the posts of a topic)' actually means.
Steps to replicate issue.
1) click on a topic and get a list of read/unread topics
2) click on a topic that shows an unread icon (in my case red comment bubble, also implemented based on your suggestions)
3) scroll down the page and click to the last page reading all of the topics
4) click back into the topic page to see the list of read/unread topics
5) notice the red comment bubble has not disappeared back to it's read status.
What am i missing here? Is this not how it works?
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