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I'm trying to set up a child theme for Unified on a test forum. First, if there is a place now with instructions, I'm not finding it in a search, so I'm more than happy to follow a link if it's out there, but I may be doing it right already:
I've created a .txt file, pasted the code from the release post in it (, changing the parent to unified and chose unified-child.css for the stylesheet.
I put the .css file into a folder called styles, and put it into a folder called unified-child, with the .txt file and a copy of the parent theme screenshot.
I then ftp'd the new child theme folder into wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/
Is that right?
When I activated the child theme, it broke the forum and I got this warning at the top of the page:
Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in ****/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-plugins.php on line 588
I thought maybe it was happening because I didn't actually have any css in there (I was getting it all ready), so I put in css to change the topic header backgrounds, and the warning disappeared, but the formatting is still all gone from the forums. THEN I switched back to Unified the parent theme, and it was STILL all nerfed
Here are some other things I tried:
- I refreshed my browser
- I switched to another theme and switched back (the default theme was fine)
- I ftp'd a fresh copy of Unified in case it somehow got corrupted
- I renamed the child folder
No matter what I do I can now neither get the child nor regular Unified to work. Any ideas?
per the directions, you create a child them, lets call it mychild... the folder in forum-themes would be called mychild... in that directory, you need an spTheme.txt file which has the required header info as detailed...
you need a subdir called styles... in the subdir would be a file call mychild.css
is that what you have?
the error indicates it could read the parent file specified... remember the child file must point to the parent css as detailed in that article...
a screenshot of your directory structure and files might help... and the spTheme.txt file...
are you using the combined css and js caching?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
My file structure is:
Here's my txt file contents:
Simple:Press Theme Title: Unified Child Dark
Parent: unified
Version: 1.0.0
Theme URI:,
Description: The Simple:Press responsive Unified theme for desktop and mobile with skins
Author: Andy Staines, Steve Klasen and Brandon C. Child by CHa0s.
Author URI:,
Stylesheet: unified-child.css
Screenshot: spTheme.jpg
Simple:Press Versions: 5.5 and above
I took a peek at my settings, and I'm not sure what combined css and js caching are, but I think you are referring to this, and I have both unchecked by default:
In the text file, you have this:
Stylesheet: unified-child.css
but you called the file mychild.css... they must match... the text file is supposed to point to the actual css file...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
In the text file, you have this:Stylesheet: unified-child.css
but you called the file mychild.css... they must match... the text file is supposed to point to the actual css file...
Oh yeah, no I didn't call it mychild; I started the post using the name you chose, then went back and edited it, changing all the "mychild"'s into my true filename when I realized I was going to just paste the txt file anyway and I wanted to save confusion. I just failed miserably in the "not causing confusion" department by forgotting to change that last "mychild" into "unified-child". It is indeed named unified-child.css
Was that the only thing wrong? Because if it was, then I'm doing it right and we need to look somewhere else to figure out what the problem is.
I've just spent quite a bit of time on this, and it turns out I'd had some css I added to my WP theme to play with the SP Default colors while I was waiting for a reply when I'd first posted here. The css was ONLY for colors but for some reason it was completely destroying the layout of Unified. I don't get it, but it's all cleaned up and it appears that the child themes are going to work.
Just to verify, though:
In WordPress we have info that goes at the top of our .css file, for SP we just add the CSS? We don't have to import the parent .css or anything?
Also, I'm not sure if I missed some code or if this is how things are, but the responsive Unified SP theme isn't showing the skins on all mobile devices, even though it appears to on websites that test responsiveness. Some of my members and myself still see the default colors on the forum sections on our phones. I tested this both with my SP child theme and with the default SP Unified skins. (Pretty sure I tested it with the Default theme skins too)
correct... you do not have to import the parent - its auto done for you...
did you select the child theme on the phone and tablet theme selection panels?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World