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can you elaborate??? what would this custom page do? and what template tags would you want to use?
most of our simple press template functions (or tags) will work from any wp page... you may need to do a:
function call to ensure our forum required stuff is loaded...
but if you can expand on your thought, we can probably provide more insight...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I would like to make custom pages with Custom Profile Display tags.
I would like to make 2 different pages for Each (Origin IDs & Xbox IDs) and also being able to remove the forum header of these 'custom' pages
so yes, just like I said... create your custom wp pages... then add the template tags with the setup function call I gave you... you will also ensure you have the proper arguments to the template tags based on what you are trying to show...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
text filed? sorry not sure what you are asking...
if you mean the page content, yes - as long as you have a plugin which allows you to use php in post/page content... otherwise, you would put it in your custom page template file...
and remember, as I said, you will have to replace $spThisMember with something else to get the user you want... thats only valid on sp members pages....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
This is my custom page
I'm using this code :
sp_CustomProfileFieldsDisplay('Origin ID', $origin->user_id );
How can I make so all the users are listed?
Only mine is showing.
what is the value of $orign? is it a valid wp user object?
if you want to list all users, you will need to create the php code to loop through all users in the wp user table...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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