Support Forum
I use the wordpress mobile pack on my website: and everything works nice. The Forum is also okay, but the icons beside the forum/group/topic-names overlap the letters a little bit. This just occurs on mobile version of the forum and I'd like to know if there is an opportunity to hide these icons on mobile site?
its your theme, so you could make a special check in your theme for mobile and not call the template tag that displays the icon.. ie:
global $SFMOBILE;
if (!$SFMOBILE) {
# call icon template tag here
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks for the answer, but could you tell me a little bit more details about this? Do I have to add exactly
"global $SFMOBILE;
if (!$SFMOBILE) {# call icon template tag here}" in my defailt.php?? And do I have to replace "call icon template tag here" by another phrase? If yes, which one?
Well - for example - in th aspForumView temlate whiuch is the liost of topics in a forum, find the line of code that displays the topic icon:
sp_TopicIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft');
and wrap it with Steves suggested code above. So it becomes:
global $SFMOBILE; if ( !$SFMOBILE ) { sp_TopicIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft'); }
This will then not display the icon if a mobile device is being used.
Thank you very much MR. Papa and Yellow Swordfish! This was wthat I need 🙂
Btw: I will change the translation of "ago" in german tomorrow. Because "vor" like it is now does not make sense. It would just make sense, if "vor" would be placed before the time specification (of latest post). I hope you will accept this.