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Open the SP theme editor and load up the overlay you are using and change whatever you want. Most of the names are pretty clear.
As always we recommend that you create your own SP theme so that any customisation is not lost during a future update. (
Sorry again, my english is very bad....I try to change this
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # The overall SP forum container # ------------------------------------------------------------------ $mainBackGroundBase = '#1D80AA'; $mainBackGroundFrom = '#1D80AA'; $mainBackGroundTo = '#1D80AA'; $mainBackGroundBorder = '1px solid #BBBBBB'; $mainBackGroundColor = '#777777'; $mainBackGroundHover = '1px solid #BBBBBB'; $mainBackGroundGradient = "-moz-linear-gradient(100% 100% 90deg, $mainBackGroundTo, $mainBackGroundFrom); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from($mainBackGroundFrom), to($mainBackGroundTo)); background-color: $mainBackGroundBase;"; $mainBackGroundSolid = '#1D80AA'; $mainBackGroundImage = 'url("images/image.gif")'; $mainBackGround = $mainBackGroundSolid; # pick background from: $mainBackGroundSolid, $mainBackGroundImage or $mainBackGroundGradient $mainFontSize = '100%'; $mainLineHeight = '1.2em';
uff I change but not appar!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Header sections within lists # ------------------------------------------------------------------ $itemHeaderBase = '#D8D8C0'; $itemHeaderFrom = '#D8D8C0'; $itemHeaderTo = '#D8D8C0'; $itemHeaderBorder = '1px solid #d8e0e1'; $itemHeaderColor = '#444444'; $itemHeaderHover = '1px solid #d8e0e1'; $itemHeaderGradient = "-moz-linear-gradient(100% 100% 90deg, $itemHeaderTo, $itemHeaderFrom); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from($itemHeaderFrom), to($itemHeaderTo)); background-color: $itemHeaderBase;"; $itemHeaderSolid = '#1B82A8'; $itemHeaderImage = 'url("images/image.gif")'; $itemHeaderBackGround = '#1b82a8'; $headerMessageColor ='#000000';
you changed an overly. are you sure that overlay is the one in use? also, sorry did not do line by line comparison, but which background did you change? solid, image or gradient? and which is use in the main theme file?
did you clear your browser cache?
link to site?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
winter blue would be the overlay... but its part of a theme... so I assume you are editing the overlay in the theme you are using...
but the header can have three background types: solid, gradient or image... did you change one or all... and I would need to look at which one is used in winter blue...
browser cache? link?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World