Support Forum
on our forum posting time is not necessary.
Therefore I would like to remove the time appearing beneath the posting date (on the topic view page).
I have already tried to modify the time format in the wordpress General Settings:
by selecting a Customer Time format - removed the code format in that input. (just showing a blank section)
But after saving the new format did not make any difference still I can see the time.
Any idea how?
Many thanks in advance
Like WordPress, Simple:Press display is template driven so you will need to make a small edit to the template. In this case the spTopicView.php template in the /templates folder of the SWP theme you are using.
Locate the call to the date and time template display function which will almost certainly look like this:
sp_PostIndexUserDate('tagClass=spPostUserDate spCenter');
and change it to exclude the time element using the available argument:
sp_PostIndexUserDate('tagClass=spPostUserDate spCenter&time=0');
make sure your change is exactly as shown.
As always we recommend that you create your own SP theme so that any customisation is not lost during a future update. (