Support Forum
Excellent. Mr.Papa's solution worked. I tested both, both works
I don't know why this problem occurred. I've tested this in our local server after deactivating all plugins - but the problem didn't go away.
maybe other people are experiencing the same thing?
Thank you though. z-index solution worked!
No, others are not experiencing the same issue... the codex article on the changes (the ones in the default themes) are working as is... unfortunately, you are the first that had an issue with them... and I dont really know why.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes, wp minify tends to mess up javascrpt that is already minified... thanks for the input...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
This problem has occurred again after 3.8 wordpress update and simple:press update (default 1.2.4) -
I don't think it is a theme conflict because I tried with Twenty Fourteen Theme and it doesn't work.
but it works after I deactivate all of my addons for simple:press
can you please investigate this issue?
Same problem? I don't see any blurred images. I DO see thumbnails that will not open and enlarge which is a completely different problem.
Something is messing with quotes around links in your source code. The link to the images is created by SP with single quotes around the link address. Something on your site is changing the end quote to doubles. We have seen this once before ut it was a very long time ago and sadly I really do not recall what the culprit was bit it was another plugin.
So - any new plugins pertaining to links? Or image display?
Sorry, it's not the same problem but as you said, it's causing some different problems (like it doesn't enlarge)
no new plugins but tested with each plugin under localhost but it seems to conflict with Cubepoint?
I think it's between some SP plugin and some of the plugins that I use.
Other people experiencing the same thing???
Just overwriting the files - or perhaps the folders is better - is all that is needed if you think you have a rogue install of any kind.
Deactivating an SP plugin or deactivating SP itself will not lose any data. Uninstalling either will remove data so you do not want to use that option.