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When I am reading the list view generated by clicking the unread posts icon I want the spListLastPost = spListLabel to start on a new line so that the formatting is always consistent.
What is the best way of doing this - the screen-shot should make it obvious what I would like to do. I would like the Topic Title left justified on one line and then the last post data on the line below. I'm sure this is easy if you know how.
Yes of course, in fact in several ways.
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=400px&height=20px'); sp_ListTopicName('tagClass=spListTopicRowName spLeft', __sp('Browse the thread %NAME%'));
I have added a width parameter which works fine but the sp_ListTopicName with the tag class doesn't seem to work.
Basically I want
sp_ListTopicName('', __sp('Browse the thread %NAME%'));
To left justify the Topic name so it is consistent with the rest of the site. How?
By the CSS I presume that you mean the sp-list-view-functions.php? I have compared my file with build 7705 which I downloaded and other than the date and truncate settings, there is no difference, so I can't see anything there.
Is there not a brute force way of forcing the 'Last post blah blah....' text from displaying on a new line? It is justifying left correctly but not starting a new line due to the variable title widths. I have made some topic titles deliberately long but truncated to test both the truncate feature and the alignment.
I still don't not really understand why it doesn't.
Still - the only way to force a div to open beneath everything before it is to issue a clear statement. You will find these liberally used in the templates as an insertbreak function call. You could try inserting one of them before the call to the offending line.
Oh that nearly did it!
All I need is for the right arrow to be on the right and for the last post text to align with the topic title on the left. They are off course tied at the moment, spLeft makes both align left with icon first.
So if I can call the spIcon and spPostLink separately that should do it.
Firebug says that if I add spRight to the icon it goes to the right and looks perfect but then the text stays in the same place with a gap to accommodate the icon. In other words it stilll will not align left and it's driving me as crazy as a box of frogs!
In firebug if I add text-align: left; of course it works fine. The section is span class="spListLabel" , is it possible to pass arguments for each class "spListLabel" and "spIcon" in the array from sp-list-view-functions.php?
$defs = array('tagId' => 'spListLastPost%ID%', 'tagClass' => 'spListPostLink', 'labelClass' => 'spListLabel', 'linkClass' => 'spLink', 'iconClass' => 'spIcon', 'icon' => 'sp_ArrowRight.png', 'tip' => 1, 'niceDate' => 0, 'date' => 1, 'time' => 1, 'user' => 1, 'echo' => 1, 'get' => 0,
Where else is spListView used? Unread Posts, Subscribed Threads, Watched Threads etc so probably not a good idea anyway. I don't like messing with the functions at all.