Support Forum
Hey guys first post so if theres a particular format to do things I apologies.
I have recently installed simple:press and started using her but I have run across a few snags that im hoping you can help me with.
(in no particular order)
1) Forum Button Colour
Using the css theme template i can find no way to alter the colour of the forum buttons, ive edited the fields which i believe should do the trick but to no avail, the problem is that with the default css its near impossible to read the submit and canclel button text when creating new posts as well as a few others. How do i go about changing these (both button colour and text colour preferably)
2) Group Assignment by member level just flat out isnt working
even though the options are enabled through the admin panel users who have registered for the site that visit the forum are shown as having no membership as the auto assign feature just flat out isnt working, is this a known bug?? is there any sort of work around?
3) avatars are being blurred
any avatars uploaded into wordpress/buddypress's site profiles are being blurred once they are displayed into the forum for the life of me i cant figure out the cause for this.
I probably missed a couple of things but ill leave it there now and have a further look around.
Button colour: What SP theme are you using? If any other than the CSS only theme then you can change colours for just about everything in the colour overlay file you are using. But - as I am not aware of any of themes having such an issue I am thinking this might be your WP theme being over-zealous. To check for that I would need a link to your forum page.
User Group Assignment: By 'enabled' I assume you mean in the Options > Member settings that you have set up the default user groups for new registrants of each Wp role type. And no - there are no known bugs. Are you using a third party plugin of any sort to collection new user data?
Blurred Avatars: Again - this sounds most likely to be a WP theme issue. Again I would need to see it however.
heres the forum link Forum Link ->
I'm using a modified version of the CSS theme you provide (which pretty much suited our needs of the group just needed a couple of buttons removing and colors altering)
As for user the member group settings you are correct sorry i should probably have made that clearer. The only plugins that should affect user registration is buddypress and that (to my knowledge~) just relies on default WP roles
Also should you need it the theme we use is called custom community and can be found here:
Well - on the button colour you better give me an example of one I can see as a visitor as I can not get to see the submit reply ones and not sure what the 'few others' are!
On the fuzzy icons and taking yours as an example, this is a 50x50 px file that you are upscaling to 75x75px. Afraid that is going to produce fuzziness every time. Far better to use the same size originals and, of course, scaling down tends to produce sharper resized images.
SP knows there is a new user registration because WP sends a 'message' via its hook system. This is necessary for the system to work and is how plugins communicate with WP core events. Sometimes third party substitutes fail to include these hooks in their code which leaves, in this vase, SP, high and dry. I know that at least one version of BuddyPress failed to institute the new user hooks but I thought that had subsequenty been fixed up so - are you using an up to date version?
Re the button colour this only appears to be occuring on the ones that you can see while you are logged in, so that you can see an example ive rigged up a dummy account for you
username: SPtest
Password - SPTEST
which ill disable when were done (if you wouldnt mind letting me know when that is).
its mostly those where submission of info is needed so in new post fields and on profile entry fields.
As for the Avatar thats an oversight on my side i though i was cropping at 100x100 my bad.
as for buddy press yes im using the latest version, im pretty new to this level of editing in wordpress where would you recommend i look to see if the hooks are functioning correctly?
Thanks swordfish
Your problem with the submit buttons is, as I suspected, an over-zealous WP theme. In your theme CSS file you will find this:
a.comment-edit-link, a.comment-reply-link, a.button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], ul.button-nav li a, div.generic-button a, .activity-list div.activity-meta a.acomment-reply, .activity-list div.activity-meta a {
color: #DDDDDD !important;
The problem lies with that !important directive at the end. Whenever you use this then it means use this everywhere for this type of element no matter what else is defined. It's a bit like carpet-bombing and to be avoided if necessary. Remove the !important and all is well.
The following WP Action hooks will trigger the creation of a new SP member and associated data: 'wpmu_new_user', 'wpmu_activate_user' (both multi-site only), 'added_existing_user' and 'user_register' - and this last one is the usual and most common method. So is BuddyPress using one or any of those basically?
And you can remove that user now should you wish.
hte honest answer is i have no clue where to look for either of those things, im looking at my WP theme css and cant find any mention of the code that you mention but ill keep looking, also i have no idea where to look for those calls, a look on the buddy press forum indicates that they use their own handling instead of wordpress however but i have no idea where to find the snippet to try and correct it manuallly