Support Forum
Hi -
We are having an issue that looks minor, but actually has knock on effects.
Here is a screen grab of the forum in Opera and in Chrome
As you can see, there is a space between the 'ago' post date and the poster name in Opera but not in Chrome.
Looking at the source of the page,
Opera shows a <span class="spInRowLabel"> </span>
whereas Chrome shows a <span class="spInRowLabel"></span>.
So, Chrome is obviously stripping out what it thinks is a superfluous space.
I wouldn't actually mind adding a line break in there instead of the space (especially on mobile devices) - so please can someone tell me where the file controlling this display is and I could add it into the code. Or (perhaps not as good but at least it would be neater) tell me how to make sure the space shows on all browsers?
Many thanks.
Is there a reason you're using the CSS version instead of the standard Barebones version? You might want to try the standard Barebones theme (non-css) if you're using a recent version of WordPress and Simple:Press
The file you're looking for is going to be templates/spForumView.php in the simple-press theme folder.
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