Support Forum
However, if you are reading this then we will now be using our mobile theme on our own site here which is still the first port of call for testing what we will call our alpha 1 version. This is currently capable of running our core and all of the plugins that we ourselves use with the single exception of Private Messaging which is still undergoing an overhaul for both desktop and mobile.
Our first step on this long road took place a few weeks back when we adopted our 'responsive' WordPress theme which bought our site under mobile control and now we are addressing the support forum. Our forum theme does need, of course, an appropriately responsive WordPress theme foundation for it to function on all devices.
Now that it is on our site, we hope to get to a beta stage fairly quickly (still needs to be post WP 3.6 release) so a few users can try it out. We are, of course, looking for any and all feedback - good and bad. The theme is named 'Unified' and will be a theme with multiple overlays and an easy way to create custom versions.
If you would like to comment on the theme - point out an error or problem or even just ask a question about it - please follow the link from this post to the forum topic. But first - please do load up the browser on your mobile phone and take a look.
As it says in the blog post... we plan and hope to get a beta available very soon. Hopefully that really will not be long but it WILL be after WordPress get 3.6 released - and that is now about 2 months past it's schedule so that can't be too much longer. We hope!
It needs WP 3.6 because it will also need Simple:Press version 5.3 which is waiting to go with the WP release.
wp devs today said they should hit RC on Friday.... so only should be few more weeks...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
have you tried viewing this support site with a mobile... the alpha is running here...
if all goes well, should have beta on mobile theme available within couple weeks or so...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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