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OK, so you could try:
#spMainContainer .spTopicListSection .spEven { background: <?php echo($newPostsBackgroundEven); ?>; } #spMainContainer .spTopicListSection .spOdd { background: <?php echo($newPostsBackgroundOdd); ?>; }
$newPostsBackgroundEven = $baseColor; or '#xxxxxx'; $newPostsBackgroundOdd = $baseColor; or '#xxxxxx';
And of course remember that if you are using the new post expansion button per forum in group view, it displays the new posts in the same format with the same classes, so it will change there also.
Should work, let me know if not and I'll test it out.
No, figured we should see if it's the right class structure first.
For hover, you would need to do the same process, but adding :hover after the .spEven and .spOdd, and also the variables both inside the CSS and in the overlay. I.e:
#spMainContainer .spTopicListSection .spEven:hover { background: <?php echo($newPostsBackgroundEvenHover); ?>; } #spMainContainer .spTopicListSection .spOdd:hover { background: <?php echo($newPostsBackgroundOddHover); ?>; }
$newPostsBackgroundEvenHover = $baseColor; or '#xxxxxx'; $newPostsBackgroundOddHover = $baseColor; or '#xxxxxx';
You'll need to add.
In post #42, the code under 'stylesheet' will need to go in your child theme reboot.php (or reboot-child.php, whatever it's called)
And the code under 'overlay' will need to be added to each overlay for which you want to be able to change the colours.
In fact, that might be a bit of a snag. Give it a try, and if it works OK test some of the overlays that don't have the change, it might throw a few warnings..