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FYI: The link to download Reboot Theme For Simple:Press 5.x from my All Access Products page actually downloads version 2.0 of that theme.
The upgrade docs state, "Temporarily switch to one of the Simple:Press standard, unmodified themes!"
So...I wanted to confirm I had the most current version of Reboot running for our Child Theme under SP 5.x before upgrading on our dev install.
I selected Reboot Theme For SP 5.x on my All Access Products page and hit download. I uploaded and activated that via SP Admin...and site threw Fatal Error.
I unzipped the folder and checked the spTheme.txt file for the 5.x download, and sure enough, it reads v.2.0.
I downloaded it twice to confirm. You may want to re-check all the 5.x theme download files to confirm they aren't 6.x zips...
On a related note, it would be convenient if SP plugin and theme download files indicated the version. They never have.
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Simple Press said
Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
You are welcome.
FYI: I personally no longer have any need for the 5.x theme download, as we've updated to 6.0 now and are working out some kinks with our Reboot child theme. (See private ticket. Thanks!)
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
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