Support Forum
Decided to go without a sidebar on this web bbs site I'm developing. My question is, how can i resize the forum sidebar to make it wider?
Thanks, Ed
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
Hi Andy, I want to widen the left sidebar a tad or two.
After deciding on going without a sidebar i figured it best to use another subdomain for the site. And strip out all the blog posts and plugins not needed. Got it up here. But when using reboot child theme, whats the code to widen the left sidebar?
Thanks, Ed
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
I'm not sure wheat you mean by the 'left sidebar'. I assumed you were meaning the overall width the forum takes up which is 800px on that page as it is dictated by the WP theme class of 'art-sheet'. If that is not what you mean could you please explain a little further?
Ok, Gotcha.
Take a look in the overlay file you are using with your Reboot theme (in the styles/overlays folder). Look for the section that looks like this:
# TOPIC VIEW ================
$ColTopic_1 = array();
$ColTopic_2 = array();$ColTopic_1[0] = '15%';
$ColTopic_1[800] = '15%';
$ColTopic_1[720] = '16%';
$ColTopic_1[600] = '16%';
$ColTopic_1[480] = '16%';
$ColTopic_1[360] = '17%';$ColTopic_2[0] = '84%';
$ColTopic_2[800] = '84%';
$ColTopic_2[720] = '82%';
$ColTopic_2[600] = '82%';
$ColTopic_2[480] = '82%';
$ColTopic_2[360] = '81%';
These represent the two columns so $colTopic_1 is the one you want to change - although you will need to change both. The element number (800, 720, 600 etc.,) represent the display width of the screen being used with 0 (zero) being the desktop so, unlimited.
So you will see for a desktop the left column is assigned 15% and the right 84%. For a small phone no wider than a 360px display, it is 17% and 81%.
Play away!
As always we recommend the use of a child theme to ensure changes are not lost when upgrading. There are now Child Theme Frameworks available to download for all of our themes to make this simple and full and extensive details can be found on our Codex - Creating a Child Theme page:
My apologies Ed.
I was tired, I have a raging cold and I didn't think it through.
What you need to do is copy the overlay file itself (the ine you are using) from the parent theme to your child theme 'styles.overlays/' folder. Rename it to something you choose.
Then edit the column data in there, Also change the details right at the top for the new name.
Then go to the forum admin > themes and select this new copied overlay for your site. That will do it.
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