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Hi Andy, Thanks so much for your help. That worked!
Now if you can do me one more favor, do i edit that same file to make hyperlinks blue with an underline so it is more apparent there is a link there? Now any links mostly match the text and have no underline.
I'm trying to show a few old time members from my old classic Fidonet bulletin board system that's been online since 1991 to a new way of doing things. That old system is text based but still quite popular. it runs on an old dell pc on my network. If anyone wants to check it out use guest as the login and password.
- Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
you need to be a bit more specific about which links you want to change... I dont see a forum at that link?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Actually I did mean to deal with this as well.
Go back to your child stylesheet.... This needs to be a CSS file so you can not use php variables. So that line:
$postLinkColor = $baseColor5;
needs translating to proper CSS. SO what you need is more like:
#spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection .spPostSection .spPostContentSection .spPostContent a:link, #spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection .spPostSection .spPostContentSection .spPostContent a:active, #spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection .spPostSection .spPostContentSection .spPostContent a:visited { color: #XXXXXX; }
where the XXXXXX s the hex number of the color you want to use.
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