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the pre v5. themes where showing the number of times a post had been edited as well as the name of the user who did the editing and the date/time when it was last edited.
this is important in an older thread, where one would go end edit the first psot in a thread to update or correct so people looking at a long thread would immediately see that a psot was edited/by whom/when
since I am currently trying to modify/customize the css-only theme (a copy of it that I renamed) I'd like to know what php code snippet I need to show that.
in the topic view functions, the template tag is sp_PostIndexEditHistory()...
so find that template tag call in the spTopicView.php template file... and then replace it with your code to display the edit history... $spThisPost->edits contains the data and you can look in the current template tag for how to handle the data...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
can I ask you for more help? I suck at this 🙁 I can do some basic php editing meaning I can fiddle with wordpress plugins and themes but these SP themes look a bit different to me.
original theme code snippet:
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPostContentSection', 'content');
sp_PostIndexContent('', __sp('Awaiting Moderation'));
sp_SectionEnd('', 'content');
say I wanted to output the text you see when you click the view edit history button straight before this line: sp_SectionEnd('', 'content'); what code would I need to insert there? I think it is an array, containing those edits, but I have no idea how to output its contents 🙁
You know something. Both Steve and I have been stupid here! I just checked the code - which I should have done when you first asked - only to find that I had already coded this to be displayed the old way if required!
Fine the call to sp_PostIndexEditHistory() in your topic template and add the argument '&popup=0'.
Of course you will need to move the position where that function is called to get it out of the post 'icon' section and into the 'content' section.
forgot myself we had allowed the option for not in popup...
I do not see a way to limit the info to the last edit... looked at code this time
I know we used to do that, so we should probably support it now too... but it should be doable without an explicit template tag argument...
problem for me now is I cannot get it to show (or save) more than the last edit... so need to do some research...
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