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The RSS buttons that are shown in the header section for each forum group uses the same spButton color, configuration, as the other ones like the plain section ones.
So say you have a white background in the plain section and have those buttons set with a white border. The same white border is shown on the RSS buttons.
So if you have say a red group header background color then you see a white border around the RSS button. Depending on your color setup having to use the same button colors may not look too good.
I suggest that there is something like a spHeaderButton added. Then any button in a group header can have its own colors/config.
I know I can make this for myself but what about adding to main SP provided themes/Overlays? If you think it would be something others would like I can probably create this and send in the changes.
As much as the easy answer is to say just change the class in the template where the function is called - I can see the sense in dividing styles between at least the default buttons outside of the actual forum blocks.
That's quite a big change though as we would need to change the class def for all those applicable buttons. No - not a big change but needs more than just theme and CSS tweaks.
Steve need to get involved in the discussion so I would suggest you open a ticket and we can discuss it there. But basically I give this the thumbs up.
guess I am not opposed, but do worry about the size of change at this late game...
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