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Hi there,
I noticed a strange behaviour with the avatars:
If I'm logged in, it seems to be that the other users have my own avatar in the topic view?! Take a look:
And this, or my, avatar from the user "SOMA" links as well to my own profile, not to his one. But if I go to the users profile (red linked name), everything seems to be fine:
Here's the php-Code for this section, but what's wrong with it?
sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spUserSection spLeft&width=15%&height=50px');
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spPostUserAvatar', $spThisPostUser);
echo "<br><br><br><br><br>";
Thanks for your help again ...
you are calling the avatar function wrong... where did you get that call? its not in our themes, at least the two just looked at...
you want:
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spPostUserAvatar spCenter&context=user', $spThisPostUser);
the key being 'context=user' so you tell it to use the $spThisPostUser object... without that it, uses the current logged in user - you... thus your user avatar...
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