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I just noticed that all user names display in lower case, even though the actual user name contains capitals in WP, yet moderators and admins display correctly. Is this by design? Can it be changed?
SP 5 RC1
WP 3.3
All plugins up to date
All themes up to date, though I use the default theme and customize the overlay in my own theme.
where?? obviously not here... all our names retain case... so you may have another plugin enforcing that... a link to example would be helpful...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so, only for admins you get caps you say? have you really checked the display name of the user? not the login, but the display name?
what option have you selected for the display name? forum - profile - profile options?
if its display name, worth looking in the sfmembers table and see if caps in there or not... users can change their display name...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so, only for admins you get caps you say? have you really checked the display name of the user? not the login, but the display name?
Yes. Display names are all lower case. User names are normal. Changing between login and display name has no effect unless the Allow user to choose display name is unselected.
Interesting is that all the affected users were imported from PHPBB using the import tool.
Fixed by unselecting the option to allow users to choose and forcing WP login.
so just to be clear, you are saying when you imported names from phpbb, they all got set to lowercase regardless of what they were in phpBB?
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