Support Forum

Sorry kvr, well spotted.
We added an argument to the first and last post function to display the text as a link.
If you want to make the change yourself, go ahead and as usual I'll open up a ticket and it will be included in the next update. It can be changed in the core theme so don't worry about copying templates over unnecessarily.
Open spForumViewMobile.php, find
sp_TopicIndexFirstPost('iconClass=spIcon spLeft&icon=&nicedate=1&date=1&time=1&stackdate=0&stackuser=0&stackdate=0&itemBreak= ', __sp('First Post')); sp_InsertBreak(); sp_TopicIndexLastPost('iconClass=spIcon spLeft&icon=&nicedate=1&date=0&time=0&stackdate=0&stackuser=0&stackdate=0&itemBreak= ', __sp('Last Post'));
And replace with:
sp_TopicIndexFirstPost('iconClass=spIcon spLeft&icon=&labelLink=1&nicedate=1&date=1&time=1&stackdate=0&stackuser=0&stackdate=0&itemBreak= ', __sp('First Post')); sp_InsertBreak(); sp_TopicIndexLastPost('iconClass=spIcon spLeft&icon=&labelLink=1&nicedate=1&date=0&time=0&stackdate=0&stackuser=0&stackdate=0&itemBreak= ', __sp('Last Post'));
It works better, but there are still issues
logged out
chrome you click on the link and it redirects okay
ff you have to click more towards the user name
logged in
chrome the same
ff it pulls up the user profile instead of the thread
is there anyway to add arrow buttons to the posts like unified has?

And presumably you are not running a modified version of spForumViewMobile.php in your child theme? That would override the entire template in the core theme.
I did just go to have a look but it looks like you've got unified running. You can add an icon to the function using arguments - see sp_TopicIndexFirstPost - the same applies for last post, you can see the way it works in Unified.
good news! thanks for the update...
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