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Hmm, I will try to turn off all .js used by the theme, maybe there is something that causes the collision.
Turned off everything, it is now 2891.43px from top. So it is going up
Now I tried to turn off mostly everything. Even the Themes CSS Files and the Wordpress js via Firebug with no change.
but this is with same wp theme, right? just to be sure, if you switch to a default wp theme (ie twentytwelve), lets make sure that is right... then assuming so, we can work this theme...
night need Andy's help on this one since he is the dialog guy, but he is on vacation until next week so will see what I can do...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yeah, what I suspected... would like to solve it though... something, I mentioned potentially the old layering of absolute/relative/fixed positioning... I would think that a large, standard library like jquery ui would be able to handle it... I plan to try to look at it some more today... and barring success would still like to get Andy to look at it since he did our jquery ui dialogs - but he wont be back until next week...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have forwarded the info to Andy....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Well nothing obvious comes to mind. except... I believe that the dialog is simply being displayed after the 'body' tag is closed. Not sure I can explain this as the div for the dialog is static and defined early - but as far as the dialog code (jQuery) is concerned I believe it is almost being forced in some way to work outside of the body tags for calculating display position.
if you view the source in Firefox you will notice that the closing body tag at the end of the source is displayed in red. Perhaps I am wrong but my understanding is that if it is shown in red then that denotes an error of some kind. However - at the same time the HTML validation is not throwing anything relevant up as far as I can see.
So - I am basically confused as to what is going on but have suspicions about the source code being generated.
as am I... Sorry, no chance to get back there yet, but I pointed out the second html tag earlier and not sure if that is fixed or not... that could be causing the dialog area to not appear...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry Mr Papa, I haven't read the part with the html tag and firebug shows the other html tags out commented as they should be.
In Firefox Page Source I found the failure and fixed it. Now it is working perfectly. Body Tag at the bottom is still in red, but who cares, when the site is working .
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