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Sharma, I fully understood what you are saying... but I guess we are not being clear... we use the wp editor... if another plugin globally adds its plugins for every instance of the wp editor, what are we supposed to do??? not knowing the plugins that may be added, we cannot remove them... it is the job of the plugin to ensure that they are only added when needed... you dont see our simple press stuff in the wp add post panel do you?
Its been quite along time since we have just used the wp editor rather than including our own tinymce files... did you upgrade from a very old version?
If you want to have your own version of a tinymce plugin that loads its own copy of tinymce, you would have to create it... maintaining our own copy of tinymce was a royal nightmare and way too much work for no benefit... and like we said, we ditched it a long time ago... we have just simply used the wp editor (thats why wp has an entire api for it) since then...
so how to get around? as mentioned, I can give you a hook filter where you can remove the plugins (since you seem to indicate the plugin authors dont care)... to do this, you would have to know the plugins name but this can be gotten from the page source... I have some other ideas too, but not sure how your other plugins are adding their tinymce plugins - its possible if they are outdated, they are doing it wrong for 4.x - just dont know...
also, you can probably hide those rows with css...
or since they are in rows 3 or 4, we can possibly direct tinymce to just discared them on forum pages... maybe try something like this in your spFunctions.php template file of your sp theme to overcame the other plugin deficiencies:
add_filter('mce_buttons_3', 'my_remove_buttons', 2, 999999); add_filter('mce_buttons_4', 'my_remove_buttons', 2, 999999); function my_remove_buttons($buttons, $id) { sp_forum_api_support(); if (sp_is_forumpage()) $buttons = ''; return $buttons; }
obviously I cannot test it out... but give it a shot...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Mr Papa. I understand now that you are using the WP Tiny MCE editor. I actually did not upgrade from an older SP version, but from the latest one. However I looked into this a bit more and I found out what the problem really is. In the WP editor, the Tiny MCE icons show up correctly, as in this screen shot:
But, in the SP forum, all those Tiny MCE icons show up twice - they are duplicated. That's what had me flustered. I was first wondering where all those icons were coming from until I realized they are the same icons as in the WP admin side, just in duplicate, as in the screenshot below.
So now the question is - how do I remove the duplicate icons in the SP forum post window?
(And I also understand that you are not responsible for the other plugin showing up in the forum.)

Oh well. It was worth a look bit seems fine.
So - I have been a little confused in this thread. Do you or do you not have any WordPress plugins that add buttons or make changes to the tinyMCE editor as used for blog posts? And if so when you deactivate it does all then work properly in the forum editor?
I have issues with two plugins:
1. Easy Video Suite. This one plays videos in my posts. After the update to WP 3.9 I found out that when this plugin is activated, the Tiny MCE works fine in the WP admin, but it does not show up at all in SP, and on top of that I cannot even write a post or reply. When I deactivate it, everything works again in SP. So as of now I had to deactivate it.
2. J shortcode. This plugin can insert all kinds of shortcode into posts or pages. However after the upgrade to WP 3.9, the editor icons of this plugin now show up below the Tiny MCE icons in SP, whereas before the J shortcode icons only showed up in the admin side of WP, but not in SP. As you explained to me in a previous post in this thread, this is not your responsibility since there might be a coding issue with the plugin and their hooks.
It is confusing that those icons show in SP, but it is not a disaster. At least the forum is working. The really annoying thing is that all the Tiny MCE icons now show up in duplicate which they had done before the upgrade
However the Easy Video Suite plugin is the big issue since this prevents the forum from working. I have had both plugins for a long time, and all this just happened after the upgrade to WP 3.9.

Easy Video Suite uses Lightbox and is also responsive. WP 3.9 has built in responsive features now and lightbox has not been upgraded to work with the new built in graphics capabilities of WP 3.9.
I am embedding videos in WP and SP without using any additional plugins for WP now. The gallery feature of WP leaves a lot to be desired but I expect this is by design because it will expand creative license to plugin developers.
As a side note: Responsive themes may not work correctly or may cause display issues if they are independently calling Bootstrap. All of my responsive themes are causing me problems. Test with the 2012 theme and see how things work.
unfortunately bootstrap usage is a potential problem for all users of wp... it stomps on the jquery ui that wp uses... the themes 'get away with it' a lot because wp core only uses the jquery ui in the admin... but any wp plugin that use jquery ui (and there are a lot - like simple press) will have problems... unless that they ensure that jquery ui is loaded after bootstrap via dependencies when loading their bootstrap js... unfortunately, we cannot force this to happen because the handle for the loaded bootstrap js is different from theme to theme.. but they can do it because the wp core handle for jquery ui never changes...
the wp core devs have talked about supporting bootstrap natively which would be good as they could ensure proper loading in core then..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
So if I understand this correctly, because of the bootstrap issue there is nothing that can be done about the TinyMCE icons showing up in duplicate in the SP forum? Or is there anything I can do to make it show up only once as it should be? It freaks me out a bit, because it just doesn't look very professional for my business.
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