Support Forum
thanks for heads up on link - fixed...
let me think on the db/files... have to think about getting it running locally...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Kevin!
Carlos, if you want to zip a backup of your site, I can see if I can make it work... It would have to be both files and db...
Please upload the file somewhere on your server and pm me a link to it so I can download it. please dont email it.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
got it running locally... no issue with memory usage, it activates and runs fine... occasionally, I was getting an max nesting exceeded error for the avatar. Looking at you settings, I am not sure what you were trying to accomplish.
You have use wp avatar as the second priority for the sp avatar. you also have set to use sp avatar everywhere. since bp replaces the wp avatar function there may be something there. but why do you have the wp avatar in the priority list at all??? Near as I can tell, you do not have anything else doing avatars which means it does gravatars... so with you telling sp to replace bp and use wp, but bp is trying to replace wp, its confusing...
so as I say, unless you have another plugin doing wp avatars, you shouldnt have it in your priorities... would suggest uploaded, gravatars, then sp defaults...
that gets rid of the bp loop and the sometimes nesting issue... worth seeing if it helps your memory issue too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa, i got the Buddypress running now,
I changed the avatar preferences to this way:
And activated the plugin, so it works...
But if i change the preferences to:
The site crashes
So maybe the problem that some users are having is this one... that the plugin doesnt works if you are using the WP avatar, to work it should be used with the SP avatar...
We are on the way!
dam nguyen said
Testing..... I love buddypress and simple:press forum, but i want group have their forum, now Buddypress 1.7.2 using bbpress forum, if i want group have forum i must install bbpress plugin![]()
Sorry for my bad EN
I wil try to help,
If I understand what you want to do is tu use a GROUP FORUM, you can use it on SimplePress to create new "forums" and add the ability to the users to join a group where the users can join that forum...
Just create the new forum an take it as a group forum and then create users group... no problem with this...
Simplepress is a real and complete forum... just need to work a bit more on the buddypress integration.... but is almost done!
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