Support Forum
Using Simple:Press version 5.2.6; File Uploader plugin version 2.0.2. WP version3.5.1.
What I do: logged in as administrator and editing a forum post, I press "Upload Attachments" button. The uploader window unfolds and I am able to either drag-and-drop or use the "Add files" button to select a file. The file I chose is a 800K PDF. I have set my upload limit to unlimited. When I try to press the "Start Upload" button, nothing happens.
What I tried to fix it: disabled all other plugins (as I saw might be the problem in, tried Firefox, Chrome, and IE.
Any ideas?
do you have a link to your site so we can check for obvious conflicts?
I assume you enabled pdf in other file types? anything in your php error log?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi Mr. Papa,
Yes, pdfs are allowed. No errors in the logs. I sent you a PM with credentials to test.
As you can see here
Is this a case of conflict with the theme I use (iFeature Pro 5 by Cyber Chimps)?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
looks like you are running suffusion? we use that on our demo site, so shouldnt be an issue...
and I had no problem with uploads.... you should see a test post from the user you sent... one post uploaded image and a reply uploaded a pdf...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry, no. I was trying out Suffusion as alternative (late at night when I didn't think anyone would be looking ). I really do want to run iFeature Pro. You said it might be a jquery conflict. The theme does call jquery libraries installed on my server (not google). Do I now ask the guys over at Cyberchimp?
(PS: I guess I need a test environment now.)
well, your wp theme is loading and using the bootstrap library... this is known to conflict with jquery ui that wp and many plugins, like simple press, use...
the plupload library we use for file uploads extensively uses jquery ui and it is what is getting stomped on by bootstrap... this is why your buttons and experience are much different...
they are working bootstrap to get it compatible with jquery ui, but from what I read, they are not quite there yet...
here is one sampling:
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes - you can see 'bootstrap' being loaded there. Use of this library is very annoying and such theme authors are just stomping all over the WordPress 'standards' and basically sticking two fingers up to plugin authors.
OK - rant over!
The trick is to get the jQuery.ui.core script library to load AFTER bootstrap. So - first question - is your SP javascript option to have scripts load at the bottom turned on (Integration admin panel)?