2nd Quarter 2019 Progress Report: New Plugins and Recent Updates

Posted on May 21, 2019

Over the last couple of months we’ve been busy making tweaks and enhancements to a number of our plugins and themes. The result of this work can be see in the following updates:

New Simple:Press Core Release

Version 6.2.0 Simple:Press is now available in the WordPress.org repository. This release includes the following changes:

Learn more about these items in the release notes.

Licensing Updates

All Premium plugins have now been updated to use the new licensing mechanism that was introduced in Simple:Press 6.1.0.

Free plugins and themes do not need license keys or a registered email address for updates.

New Plugins

If you’re not already aware, we introduced two new plugins last quarter:

This quarter we introduced two new plugins:

New Plugin: Push Notifications

Push Notifications is a new plugin that will send forum updates via four different methods:

The Pushover and Pushbullet apps are premium iOS and Android apps that make receiving notifications from applications a breeze.

New Plugin: Canned Replies

Canned Replies is a new plugin that provide users the ability to quickly create replies to posts using pre-written responses. This is going to be especially useful for admins and forum moderators.

Updates To Existing Plugins and Themes


Version 2.1.1 implemented an important bug fix:

Most users do not subscribe to all forum topics which is why most users never noticed this issue.


Version 1.1.0 implemented some minor bug fixes and features:

Barebones Theme

This theme was updated to implement the following new features via template tags:

Reboot Theme

This theme was updated to implement the following new features via template tags:

Stacked Theme

This theme was updated with one new feature:


This plugin was updated to support the iconsets feature that was introduced in SP 6.2.0.

Admin Bar

There was a bug in this module that prevented it from working with the Stacked and Default themes. Version 2.2.1 was released with a fix.


We added a few important updates to our importer plugin:

The latest version of this plugin is now 3.2.1.

New and Updated Articles