Plugin Updates

WordPress 5.9 & Simple:Press Forums

WordPress 5.9 introduced a new type of theme – the Full Site Editing theme where all components of the theme (including headers and footers) are blocks. This is a radical change to WordPress themes. But, the good news for Simple:Press is that we can still work with these new themes with a couple of minor […]

Simple:Press Forums – Minor Releases 6.6.1 – 6.6.3

Simple:Press forums 6.6.x was released a few months ago and since then we have pushed a number of minor releases to tweak some things. These are the changes that were made: 6.6.3 Tweak Add a new overlay to the default 2020 theme to match the WP 2021 theme. The new overlay is the default on […]

New Simple:Press Forum Theme: Modern 2020

A new default theme is coming to Simple:Press Forums with the release of Simple:Press Forums 6.5.0. Features of this theme: More modern looking with larger default font sizes and button sizes. Less use of tiny icons More color customization options Better display on mobile More white space Just like our previous default theme, Barebones, you […]

Coming Soon: A Simple:Press Forums Admin Makeover

So we haven’t been very active on our blog here lately but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working hard on our Simple:Press Forums plugin. Here are some screen shots of the look-and-feel of the future of the Simple:Press Forums admin dashboard: These changes start to bring the Simple:Press UI in-line with what users expect […]

2nd Quarter 2019 Progress Report: New Plugins and Recent Updates

Over the last couple of months we’ve been busy making tweaks and enhancements to a number of our plugins and themes. The result of this work can be see in the following updates: New Simple:Press Core Release Version 6.2.0 Simple:Press is now available in the repository. This release includes the following changes: New: SVG […]

Move To Semantic Versioning Complete

If you’ve never heard the term “semantic version”, don’t feel bad – most end users of software have never heard the term either. But more and more, software is using the concept to govern the release numbers that are assigned to new public releases. In the case of Simple:Press, we’ve completed our to move to […]

New Release: Simple:Press 6.2

In this new version of Simple:Press, we will be focusing on providing additional options for selecting icons that can be used in Forum Lists, Ranks and Reputation. This is a small, incremental step in focusing our attention on the overall User Interface and User Experience in Simple:Press. Introducing SVG Icon Sets In version 6.1 and […]

Simple:Press Version 6.1 Now Generally Available

Simple:Press 6.1 was released to the repository earlier today. Included are a few bug fixes and some minor new features along with the first pass of our new licensing infrastructure.

Coming Soon: Better Analytics For Simple:Press

We’ve been working on making data from Simple:Press easier to visualize and more useful at a glance. Perhaps the best way to provide a flavor for what’s coming is to show you this: We’ll be providing exactly 12 analytical charts, each of which can be customized. Take a look at this screenshot which shows the […]

Major New Version Of Topic Status Plugin Now Available

There is a new version of the Topic Status plugin now available for download. New Features You can read all about the new features in this article we wrote a few weeks ago: Coming Soon: Major Update To The Topic Status Plugin. Requirements This new version requires Version 6.0.6 or later of Simple:Press. Existing users […]