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Plupload plugin - Error 102 - You do not have permission to upload images
Maureen Henson
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2019 - 3:07 pm

Hello Community

I have added the Plupload plugin (File Uploader with Plupload) and cannot upload files. The upload attachments button is there but getting Errors on all img, docs, etc:

"flag.jpg: Error 102 - You do not have permission to upload images"
"v4.pdf: Error 104 - You do not have permission to upload files"
"music.mp3: Error 103 - You do not have permission to upload media"

My Install:

Wordpress: 5.2.1
Theme: Enfold 4.5.7
SimplePress: Version: 6.2.1 Build: 15862
Plupload: Version 5.1.0
Server: wpengine
Environment: Staging (no cached CSS or JS)
Browser: Chrome in Incognito
SimplePress Member (with Permissions) = yes

My Settings:

Forum > Components > File Uploads:

  • All boxes checked to insert into post content
  • All upload limits set to unlimited
  • All available file formats added for images,videos,docs(you name it-I added it-yes comma separated)
  • Max width and Height restrictions - images = 5000x5000

Forum > Permissions > Manage Permission Sets

Set for all Available access: (Members / Guests / Moderators, etc)
When I was logged in as a member I even looked at  Profile > Permissions - all are checked as expected for uploads


  • Can upload avatars
  • Can upload images in posts
  • Can upload media in posts
  • Can upload files in posts
  • Can upload signature images
  • Can manage their uploaded attachments in profile

Forum > Integration > Storage Location

  • All left to default
  • All found by wordpress / simplepress
  • All Write = OK
  • Even chatted with the server (wpengine) yes - write and read is OK

Forum > Toolbox > Housekeeping

  • Flushed all environments - before and after disabling plugins and themes


  • all deactivated except for SimplePress and the Plupload = no luck


  • Went to 2019 default theme - no luck

Community Support:

// added to fix conflict between Themify Themes and Simple Press Upload plugin
add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘themify_dequeue_plupload’, 100000);
add_action(‘wp_print_footer_scripts’, ‘themify_dequeue_plupload’, 100000);
function themify_dequeue_plupload(){
      if (is_page(2658)) {
          wp_deregister_script( ‘plupload’ );
          wp_dequeue_script( ‘plupload’ );


Can anyone help or have you come across the errors?

SP Community Support
SP Moderator
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2019 - 4:11 pm


So, with only the Simple:Press and PlUpload plugins active on the 2019 Theme, you're getting those errors?  Can you tell if those errors are being thrown by Simple:Press, WordPress or something else?  (A screen shot might be easiest to help determine which component in the tech stack is triggering the errors).


SP Community Support
SP Moderator
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2019 - 4:18 pm

Also, if you turn on your WordPress debug flags, the error message that is thrown in the debug.log file might contain a full path name of the file that is being attempted for upload and that might be useful information to have.

Maureen Henson
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 14, 2019 - 10:50 am

Hi - Thanks for the reply, my notes:

  • getting errors on all themes - not just the default
  • getting errors if all or none of the plugins are active
  • for the screenshots - I am logged in as Admin
  • here are some screenshots:


before upload - looks promising:

before-upload.JPGImage Enlarger


after upload with error in red - Error 102 – You do not have permission to upload images

after-upload.JPGImage Enlarger


my permissions:

permissions.JPGImage Enlarger


wp_debug set in wp-config.php

ddebug-1.pngImage Enlarger


error logs - for custom icons directory only (note: we are not using custom icons):

error-logs-2.JPGImage Enlarger


directories for images and media exist - permissions to upload to the folders and storage locations for read and write - checked and working:

storage-locations.JPGImage Enlarger


double checked with my server:



Even asked my Server Customer Support about "Error 102 - You do not have permission to upload images"

They found this link: https://mejsullivan.wordpress......wn-report/

Could this be because its not https?
(I will be able to check this on Monday.)


 Thanks in advance.

Maureen Henson
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 14, 2019 - 11:12 am

Oh my gosh I found the error

site has to be in https and not http to work

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