Support Forum
Hi, I'm not successfull with two plugins
- I subscribed for every forum and some threads, but I never got an email, wenn there is an answer. - I thought, that this would be the sense of subscribing?
- The upload plugin is installed and activated, I think I see everything I need as user an admin. I set the rights for uploading.
So when I click "attachments", the panel opens, I can select (add) a file, but I can't "start upload". What's wrong?
Thanks for help, Verena
What kind of email provider do you have configured on the WordPress site? Is it the default WordPress email or is it an SMTP or Transactional Email Provider (such as mailgun)? If its the default WP email service then many of the emails will likely not get delivered (because the default WP email relay is not trusted by most email services).
If you do have an SMTP or Transactional email provider in place, then you can check the logs to see if the emails were generated and not delivered or never generated at all.
For the uploads, if you can't click the start upload button, check your browser console for javascript errors.
okay, thanks,
I configured now Mails as smtp with a plugin. Testmail works.
I made in a testsection of the Forum a subscription and posted different testthreads. Normaly I should now receive an email once a day (I chose not "weekly"), right? I hope I'll receive that mail within the next hours.
For the upload problem: The problem appears with different browsers, firefix and chrome (e not yet tested), so I think, it is noch dependant from browser. Do you have other ideas?
Thanks for help, greetings, Verena
For the upload problem, have you checked the browsers consoles for javascript errors?
For the subscription email digests, please make sure that your WordPress CRON process is working. That is necessary in order to trigger the timer to generate the emails once a day. Your WordPress host can confirm if that's working or not or you can use a plugin like WP CRONTROL to view the cron processes and when they'll trigger.
I didn't check the browsers consoles for javascript errors, because I don't know really how to do that AND because the problem is stable on at least 3 Computers with several differenz browsers.... I don't know, how to go on with that :-(.
For subscription email digestest I installed CRONTROL and found:
sp_subs_digest_interval | 86400 (1 Tag) | SP Abonnement-Verarbeitungsintervall |
So I think I'll get an email within 24 hours after a post? (24 hours haven't finished yet).
okay, both problems aren't yet solved.
- upload attachments: don't know how "to check browsers consoles for javascript errors", but I can say, that more than 3 different PCs and different browsers don't work with attachments.upload.
- I get mails from wordpress, when a new user has registered etc., but I don't get Mails from subscripted threads or forums. CRONTROL result in post above.
Here's a link with instructions on how to open your browser javascript error console:
For the emails - what's in your smtp plugin log?
Just hat a battle with wordfence,.... I lost ;-).... so I will answer in two posts:
mail-subscription problem:
I use Easy WP SMTP, it works. I get mails from wordpress with it.
But with upgrading on 2.3 I found something prabably interesting.
sp_subs_digest_interval | SP Abonnement-Verarbeitungsintervall | 86400 |
is the first event in the first section, but it is not listed in the second section with timestamps.... also, I saw, that there were no events listed after 9. december.
I restarted to work on the forum after much other work. The problems with uploads and subscriptions still exist on different PCs. It would be VERY great to solve this soon (for the acceptance period of our intranet this funkction is so important!).
Also important is the subscription-mail-problem. I really want to "educate" the collegues for continous use.
Thanks again for help (I'll soon restart working for the translations),