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Chris Radios-TV
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Sep 24, 2015 - 11:35 am
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Hi all,

I'm just in the process of migrating my entire PHPBB3 forum over to Simple-Press. I have to say I love Simple-press and have purchased a fair number of plugins which have greatly added to its functionality for me and my members.

Whilst trialling the forum I have one issue which is really bugging me and I cannot fathom out how to resolve it. For the most part all the buttons that you click are readable with black text. However for some reason which is beyond me, the system seems to have chosen white text in the "submit post" button, this is equally the same for send "private message"

OK I know where the button is and can use but my members are going to whine and rightly so. Why on earth is this button using a different colour text to all the rest? I'm using the default theme with shades-of-gray and have tried all the colour variations, all seem to have the same problem.

So I was wondering if anyone out there has a simple-fix to this Simple-Press problem?

Sawtry, UK
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Sep 24, 2015 - 1:35 pm
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Hey Chris,

Please understand that this forum (Customization Requests/Jobs) is for requesting custom work i.e custom themes and plugins, not support.

It sounds to me like the WP theme is possibly overriding the forum styling, or there is some kind of conflict but without a topic opened up in our support forum (Simple:Press 5 - Member Support) we can't help any further.

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