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Integrate SP with Divi theme (PAID GIG)
Christopher Paris
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Jul 1, 2015 - 10:24 pm
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Looking for help to get Simple Press to work with my Divi themed website. The problems I face are probably pretty simple, but beyond my ability. 

Short version: SP doesn't play nice with Divi's "Page Builder" and I cant get the forum to appear where I want it on the page. That's it. Everything else with the Forum appears to be working fine.

If you can help, let me know.

Sawtry, UK
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Jul 2, 2015 - 8:28 am
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Hey Christopher,

It's probably worth posting a link, if possible of course - For us, and any other potential helpers to see the problem first hand as I don't have any experience with Divi's page builder.

I'd be happy to take a look to at least see if there is a simple fix, and if you can't post the link publicly but want one of the Simple:Press team to take a look then please PM a link and login details to myself, Yellow Swordfish and Mr Papa. Please include a link to this thread and a brief description of the problem as a reminder.

Christopher Paris
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Jul 2, 2015 - 8:42 am
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Thanks for the quick reply. I will PM the link.

I can't figure out if Divi is using it's own instance of jQuery or not. If anyone else is familiar with Divi, maybe they can chime in on that. That might be the problem?

Divi is massively popular, but also a "walled garden" -- it locks you into their idea of what WordPress is. It's all great until you try to do something like install Simple Press.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Jul 2, 2015 - 9:27 am
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I am not actually seeing anything wrong, The forum certainly does not 'sprawl' full width across the page bit is neatly contained in about two thirds of it. All looks to me as it should do. Are you sure you do not need to just clear your browser cache or something?

I am not seeing any script errors or problems in that area either.

Sawtry, UK
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Jul 2, 2015 - 10:18 am
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I too am not really seeing any problems, definitely doesn't look like the Divi page builder is making the forum break from it's container in any way..

Perhaps you could post a screenshot of what you're seeing? Again - PM if you'd rather keep it private.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Jul 3, 2015 - 2:47 am
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It is most curious that this morning when I load your page it is full width with a big, deep and ugly page header yet for both myself and Ike yesterday it was not. So perhaps the only important question here is what changed in the interim as that might be the key to your issue.

For information I will say that Simple:Press simply utilises 100% of the width allocated to it by the Wordpress theme whose responsibility it is to format the page. The 'container' for that page as set by your WP theme imposes no width at all - unlike in the heading for example where it imposes a width of 80%.

The empty space beneath that very odd page heading appears to be made up of a string of empty paragraphs. Why or where they are coming from is unknown to us of course as again - this is a product of your theme.

To be blunt it seems to me that both of these questions should be asked of the theme authors. Simple:Press itself appears to be displaying just fine in the space being allocated to it.

Christopher Paris
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Jul 4, 2015 - 1:23 pm
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The change in appearance may have been because I had to change from using the standard page template (which sort of centers SP, but puts an ugly sidebar space on the side) vs using the Divi Page Builder. I made the change just after I sent you the note, but you must have caught it just before it took effect. 

Neither option is ideal, as I said. The first one you saw is not quite right, because it still wants to insert a sidebar, and there's no way around it. I can mask the sidebar, but that's not really a solution, and it will break easily. Using the Page Builder is the best option, but it results in the ugliness you saw the second time. What needs to happen is to get SP to fit into the container, not into the full width space below the containers.

The Divi theme support people just point me to Simple Press support, naturally.

This is why I am offering to pay for the coding. I realize it will require someone to go in and take some time to figure it out. I'm not expecting free support from either Divi or SP.

Any other takers?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jul 4, 2015 - 7:36 pm
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sorry, what is the issue?  you want the forum centered, but not be full width of the page?  better match the width of the page elements above it?

first, try going to forum - integration - page and permalink and turning on the strict wp api option and see if that helps... you might also want to set display in loop to true and display multiple to false on that panel...

if not, this appears easily corrected by adjusting the forum css... the wp theme is giving the page content (forum) unlimited width (not constraining it to the page)...

If you create a sp child theme ( then in the child theme stylesheet, add this css:

#spMainContainer {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 1080px;

and you should be good... note there will be bunch of space above the forum, but that belongs to the wp theme and the page header...  you could remove it with 100 or 150px of negative margin in the above CSS...

if there is something else you want to change, please explain further...

Christopher Paris
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Jul 7, 2015 - 8:28 pm
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I'm having a new (and unrelated) issue with FTP permissions, so can't test this suggestion yet. Bear with me, I am not ignoring your advice.

I think that CSS fix might be what I needed. I will update you with my progress.

Thanks so far!

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jul 7, 2015 - 9:56 pm
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please let us know... think we have answered the permissions issue in your other thread...

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