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Posts with minus seconds ago
Aug 26, 2014 - 2:44 am
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I've read the F.A.Q. -

But, unfortunatelly, didn't understand what the problem is.

There is no "minus seconds ago" only in case of entering UTC 0 time zone in WordPress general options. But this is not convinient for me, my website and forum users (because hosting time is UTC+4, mine and users time is UTC+3). 

Could you explain me, what should I do in order to use UTC +3 time zone without incorrect "minus seconds ago" description?

Thank you beforehand!


Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Aug 26, 2014 - 3:05 am
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The point is that php 5 does not really support UTC values properly in all the new timezone functions. It requires a proper location code. In it;s normal state UTC values do NOT appear on the available timezone country/city listing. These are added by WordPress as some sort of mis-guided backward compatibility to php4 when timezones were not really properly supported at all.

The codex article discusses a 'minus seconds' because that ius one of the more common features of trying to perform UTC calculations in php 5. But yes - the other side of your server timeszone will result in value inconsistencies.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Aug 26, 2014 - 8:17 pm
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to follow on to Andy's help, instead of UTC-3 pick a proper timezone... that is, pick a city in the pull down menu that is in the same timezone...

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