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Add function to "Prune Database"
Elsa Elsa
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Apr 25, 2020 - 10:08 am

The prune database option is very helpful if you want to block/delete. I wish I could use it as intended!

I've maintained my forum for more than 10 years. The database is huge. I want to clean it up, but I want retain popular threads, even if they are 10 years old!

To achieve this. I have to isolate thread prior to  X date; select all, and then proceed to uncheck whatever it is that I want to keep.

I am currently in the middle of cleaning up threads from 2014. There are about 100 threads prior to that, which I want to keep.  There are so many threads, I can only work with 2-3 months at a time. This means I have to unclick the same threads over and over!

How hard would it be to allow a date range to be isolated? It would sure save some pain.



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