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Well I need to remind you this IS considered beta!
The locked topic issue is because SP does it the other way around. Zero means unlocked. I have corrected that in the latest cut of the importer. Odd that this hadn't been reported by anyone previously who all said that the data came across fine! Oh well.
I have also changed the latest cut to remove the option of importing users. If they already exist in the target WP table then they are NOT re-imported but the actual import process ensures that their forum membership record is created correctly.
parse error? can you elaborate so we can look into that?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
actually yes - can you tell me about this parse error please? I don't see any problems at that line (you sent in your email) so I would be most interested to know what you fixed?
The cryptic message 'No Good Users' (one of those things still to clean up of course) means that when the importer attempted to interrogate the database using the settings you supplied - in this case to count the number of users to be imported - it either found none or was unable to connect to the database at all. I still have some error trapping work to do but I am inclined to thinking that it was the first condition - found no users. Does that help?
I fixed the parse error by editing line 100 (the line above the error)
<?h3>, I changed it to </problem-with-post-edit-button3>
in spimport-setup.php
I'm rather bewildered as to why it found no users. Hmm. I will try it again on my clone and see what happens. There's definitely users in wp_users -- 3,200 of them 🙂
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