Support Forum

We've been working on making data from Simple:Press easier to visualize and more useful at a glance. Perhaps the best way to provide a flavor for what's coming is to show you this:
We'll be providing exactly 12 analytical charts, each of which can be customized. Take a look at this screenshot which shows the extensive customization options that will be available for each chart:

Chart Types
For each chart, you'll be able to select a chart type - there are 11 chart types available:
- Line
- Column
- Bar
- Pie
- Spline
- Scatter
- Pyramid
- Funnel
- Waterfall
- Doughnut
- Area
The 12 Analytical Charts
As mentioned above, we'll be providing exactly one dozen pre-built charts. These are as follows:
- Total post count by forum
- Total topic count by forum
- Top 10 posters
- Top 10 posters excluding moderators and admins
- Total users by user group
- New post count
- New topic count
- New post count by topic status (requires the Simple:Press Topic Status plugin)
- Total post count by topic status (requires the Simple:Press Topic Status plugin)
- New topic count by topic status (requires the Simple:Press Topic Status plugin)
- Total topic count by topic status (requires the Simple:Press Topic Status plugin)
- Top 10 tags (requires the Simple:Press Tags plugin)
Additional Features
In addition to the major features listed above, you'll be able to:
- Specify which charts are visible on the dashboard
- View a different set of charts in a separate FORUM->ANALYTICS area
- Determine whether a chart should take up a full width in the FORUM->ANALYTICS area or half width
- Select the order in which charts will appear in the FORUM->ANALYTICS area
- Specify which admins can view and configure the charts
- For charts the require a date range, specify custom date ranges or pre-select from one of the pre-configured ranges (24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, 1 year)
Sample Charts
Here are screen shots of some the chart types - the same chart is shown (Total post count by forum) but with a different chart type.
This new version will require Version 6.0.7 or later of Simple:Press. Once it becomes available you will be able to download from your account area on our Website.
We're hoping this is ready sometime in the next 30-60 days.
If you do not yet have a subscription to our plugins, you can get one by navigating to our pricing page.
If you have thoughts or ideas about this, please let us know. Drop us a note via the forums or our contact page.
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