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Plugin Updates - April 05, 2014
Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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Apr 16, 2014 - 3:15 pm
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update-pluginThe latest round of plugin updates have just been released and made available to those who use them.


This update to the Captcha plugin fixes an issue where the captcha form would not show up properly on the WordPress registration form when using our Unified theme.

Google Sitemap

This an update the Google Sitemap plugin that is compatibility release for the latest 4.x version of the WordPress Google XML Sitemap plugin by Arne Brachhold. This release supports his latest release including the on demand generation of the sitemap.

File Uploader

This release updates the Plupload 3rd party library to the latest 2.1.1 version. Additionally, the release includes a mobile responsive (when using an SP mobile responsive theme) layout for the file uploader.


This release features improved admin layout on mobile devices. It also adds in .spcss support for mobile responsive SP themes and adds an option on whether or not subscription emails will contain the post content.

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