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Plugin Updates - March 24, 2014
Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 16, 2014 - 3:14 pm
sp_QuotePost Quote

update-pluginThe latest round of plugin updates have just been released and made available for those who use them.

Auto Linking

Following user requests, we have added the capability to allow for case insensitive word matching. The default and current case sensitive matching remains as it is, but for case insensitive matches, simply place a % symbol in front the of the word. Thus using a term like Android would not find a match if the post content used, for example, 'android'. But using a match term of %Android would succeed.

Google XML Sitemap

Hopefully, this update will resolve the issue that we have had reported by a couple of users of WP SEO regarding invalid post dates in the sitemap.

Featured Topics and Posts

This fixes up some minor issue with translations and some missed text strings.

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