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Threaded Posts and Blog Comments
Mar 5, 2017 - 7:00 pm
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Yes, so in another words it works both ways. Comments appear on the forum topic created for that post/article, forum posts on that topic appear as a comment on that post/article, correct? That'd be perfect.

I've struggled with getting my forum going, but my articles generate comments - so I want to bootstrap the forum with the comments readers make. 

My big struggle right now is just getting someone that knows Facebook api's well enough that they can help me download all the comments that readers have added through my current Facebook Comments Plugin. They weren't saved to my database, just on Facebook, so when I switch over I will lose my old comments if I can't download them. I'll figure out a way to download them 🙂  If you have any thoughts on that, please let me know. I do have someone that might be able to help, but haven't heard back from him yet.

Mar 5, 2017 - 7:09 pm
sp_QuotePost Quote

 I'll go ahead and grab a membership while I'm here - not quite ready to roll simple-press out on my site yet, but hopefully this week. Your support has been really very impressive and I appreciate it very much!

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Mar 6, 2017 - 2:07 am
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worth adding that the threaded posts plugin has not been fully released yet...  should be any day/week here very soon...  just need to get 5.7.4 out there with it...   our travel schedules are making timing difficult... the blog linking plugin is available...

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Mar 6, 2017 - 3:41 am
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Sorry to say I can't help you with your FaceBook question. I must be one of the few people who do not use FaceBook 🙂

Tell you what though - we would be happy to let you have a copy of the Commenter plugin which would be a beta and thus not necessarily as bug-free as we can make it - but working as well as it is working on our blog posts here. (We have not been informed or - nor have seen any problems).

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Mar 6, 2017 - 1:36 pm
sp_QuotePost Quote

Thank you! That'd be great! 

Do you add it to my account here, provide a download link, or need my email address? 

Understood that it is beta and I will provide feedback if I discover any issues.

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Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Mar 6, 2017 - 5:10 pm
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Send me a PM with your an email address that I can use...

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May 2, 2017 - 6:37 am
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How many levels deeps does this go?

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May 2, 2017 - 6:39 am
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So you selected grey boxes to indicate hierarcy. Is there a way to use "org chart" display which I find clearer? 


On an unrelated note, typing on this particular forum page is super slow: there is a few seconds delay between me typing and the word appearing.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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May 2, 2017 - 6:58 am
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The grey block is just 'painted' with CSS so if you look in the plugins CSS file you will find it. You could replace that with a different graphic or alternate CSS - even an image file of course. If you want to do place the overriding CSS in the forum admin > themes >Custom CSS panel so it does not get overwritten on future updates.

I am not experiencing any issue with slow editing. All happening as expected. In my own personal experience, anomalies like that are more likely to be your side of the equation. Might be worth rebooting your browser...

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
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May 2, 2017 - 7:01 am
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