Support Forum
I thank you very much for the investigation. It's just weird because the forum was working before.
I guess there's nothing I can do about it, I'm not a developer. I'll have to use the new theme and customize it to resemble the default theme.
Well you could remove whatever the offending plugin is. BootStrap is likely to have a negative effect on any plugin that abides to the WordPress API and does things as they should be done. The difference here between our Default theme and the Barebones theme is that Barebones does not have the open/close control on groups which is what the BootStrap CSS was breaking.
I give up, I tried all possible thing and I'm leaving this plugin, just because the new version is not showing the group titles. It was so great before. Now this is happening for all themes applied. You better fix it independently of WP bootstrap.
All the same I would be interested to know about all the things you tried? Seems to me so easy to fix.
I have expressed myself wrong. I'm no developer and I haven't tried to modify any code. What I have tried is to install/uninstall, play with themes and css, use childtheme, downgrade (that's the only thing that worked), disable plugins. Surface things like that. What I don't understand is why Bootstrap should conflict with WP... isn't this build upon Bootstrap?
No - WordPress does not use Bootstrap and does not proper;y support BootStrap. As far as a JavaScript library and UI Library is concerned WordPress is built using - and has API support for - jQuery and the jQuery UI.
And one of the main problems with Bootstrap is that it competes with the jQuery UI and can change the way some of that UI code works. In other words - it fights.
I know I looked at your forum page at the start of this thread and I went to have another look yesterday to remind myself what it was that was happening but you had taken the forum down already so I was unable to locate the issue.
I thank you for having had a second look. I have taken it down also because it conflicted with some plugins (or maybe it was the other way around). I've learned that doing modifications will just break my theme. So, I'm keeping the old version as a reference for layout but I will wait for more updates and maybe install another time in the future.
No problem, will always try and help where we can! It seems as though Andy has given you the solution this time, however should you want to try again in the future - If you have any support questions then please remember to use the support forum not the pre membership queries forum.
Sorry if I re-open this ticket. As I have no abilities to correct the problem of bootstrap being loaded from Wordpress, I have taken my oldsite simplepress plugin folder and have reinstalled it on my new site. The problem is not there anymore (i.e. gorups' titles are shown) so I believe this is a problem with the plugin and not with Wordpress.
So far I can live with the forum by not upgrading it, and hoping that you will fix the issue on your next update. Thank you.
There is nothing for us to fix. If I recall correctly, the bootstrap CSS was setting oner of our style classes to 'display:none' so that, as it says, did not display. I believe this was the case on this thread. I can not, I am sorry to say, fix up WP themes and plugins that are incorrectly created.
it's good to know there was not a conflict at some time in the past although you have not mentioned which older version you are referring to.