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Create topic (ask question) and reply to them as non-logged-in user?
Jan 22, 2021 - 7:54 am
sp_QuotePost Quote

I would like to know if I can set up a Q&A Forum like this on my wordpress website and offer all visitors to be part of a discussion without having them to create an account or log in. I guess this is possible (as I am able to post here as well) but would like to have a confirmation and also if this is a premium feature only.



Simple Press
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Jan 22, 2021 - 11:31 am
sp_QuotePost Quote

Hi - yes can have have guest visitors reply to a topic in a forum if you like. 

You can download a free copy of the core plugin from to see how it'll function.  

The premium version have a feature that marks a reply as "answered question" which would be useful in a Q&A forum.


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