Support Forum
Hi, I've just migrated my entire site to a new host, including the forum. Everything looks to be in order, the only problem right now is we're unable to post new topics or send PMs because the main post form doesn't take any input (i.e. can't be focused, no cursor appears, seems to be frozen, unclickable). The topic name/subject fields work just fine, but not that main post/message body field.
I've checked the FAQ and gone over the permissions carefully. All members are in a permissions group with those permission groups assigned globally. Does this issue sound like something that could have happened in the migration? Or does it sound like some simple face-palming omission?
Thank you!
Not much to go on... If you moved the wp-content folder from your old server which will include the necessary SP files and storage folders then most usually if something stops working it is because something new has entered the equation. Like a new WP theme, or a new WP plugin for example.
Thank you for the reply. I've found that disabling the tinymce plugin fixes the issue and we're able to use the plain text editor. The chrome console (image attached) suggests that tinymce isn't working with ssl on my site. However, I notice you're using tinymce on this forum with ssl. Do you have a solution that might work for me?
Simple:Press uses the WordPress function content_url() to determine the base url which includes the http scheme. The function resolves this by calling the set_url_scheme() function which, in turn calls the is_ssl() function.
So the suggestion here is that WordPress - at core level - does not recognise your site as being ssl. That suggests you have not, perhaps, followed all the instructions for setting ssl outlined in the . WordPress Codex.
Thanks for responding to the previous post. I did find the response a bit unhelpful and dismissive, but you are indeed correct. I went and debugged the code and the 'is_ssl' function is pretty 'dumb' in how it determines if a site is over ssl. Its basically checking the port numbers and doesn't do any discovery of forwarded-for or other configurations (such as site url checking) to detect common setups (such as load balancers doing ssl termination).
For future reference to people who have issues with ssl, please visit this page :
Specifically for setups with load balancers which do ssl termination the 'how to switch to ssl' wordpress page does not actually properly switch you to ssl for all things. Even the plugins which claim to deal with x-forwarded-for do *not* cover all cases.
You must add the following line to your 'wp-config.php' file above the 'require_once' line :
This will fix the site_url and content_url methods for all php code used by wordpress.
Ah - some useful information not in my own area of expertise. Thank you. We will note this one.
Apologies if you found my response 'dismissive'. I am sure you will understand that support questions from members will always take priority and I was juggling a couple of testing questions at the same time as well as trying to spend some time with family on a Sunday.
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