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Profiles handling (WP, SPF and WooCommerce)
Ari Kontiainen

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Jul 26, 2018 - 9:19 am
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We are using WooCommerce on our site and are now preparing to take Simple:Press in use as well.

WooCommerce seems to redirect WP profile.php page to its own account page, which is understandable from its point of view.

What is your advice on how to configure Simple:Press so that our user can manage both WooCommerce and Simple:Press options for him/herself? And are there still some personal settings which can only be managed via WordPress profile page...?

I could not quite figure this out myself.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jul 27, 2018 - 6:37 pm
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we can make the forum profile also redirect to the another profile page, but there really isnt a way to manage the forum options from another page...  we provide plenty of hooks in our API for doing this, but that still requires writing a custom plugin PLUS woocommerce would have to provide support as well for another plugin adding its profile stuff...

Ari Kontiainen

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Jul 28, 2018 - 11:46 am
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Out of the box, without any customization, can Simple:Press and WooCommerce (and WordPress) co-exist so that users can reach both (or all) profile pages or personal settings?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jul 28, 2018 - 1:35 pm
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a little confused by your question wording...  so lets try this...

out of the box, wp, simple press and woocommerce can work together just fine...  you will have distinct profile pages for wp (in the wp admin area), simple press (outside the wp admin area)...  using simple press, if you want, you can block users from reaching the wp admin (and hence the wp profile) and redirect to the forum profile instead...  they can adjust their forward facing options for wp from the simple press profile...  most forum sites dont need/want users to be in the wp admin, but its your choice... 

as to how woocommerce may or may not affect the wp profile, I cannot comment...  it should not be affecting the simple press profile...

hope that helps...

tuools ertios
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Jul 16, 2019 - 8:37 am
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