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Purchased a $99 silver membership: some recommendations
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 21, 2020 - 7:51 am
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Purchased today the $99 package to upgrade my SP plugins. It was quite a rough ride despite me being quite used to both SP and WP so I would like to provide some recommendations.

- Send licence code in the confirmation email. Took me some time to find in my user area.
- Provide in the email instructions as to what to do with premium-plugin installer. Particularly where this should be installed and also warn that immediately on activation ALL plugins will be updated (this is a bit of a nuke as it immediately crashed WP).
- Allow to install a licence on several subdomains: ie,,

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 21, 2020 - 2:32 pm
sp_QuotePost Quote


It looks like you have two different accounts on our site.  Both of them should have access to the Community Support forums.  Silver licenses do not have access to other forums.

I agree that we should send the license code in the confirmation email - will add that to our list of things to do. 

We can't allow licenses on other domains though - our licensing server would require that we issue multiple sites with no way to control where they got installed.  Effectively, doing so would be a massive discount on pricing.  On testing sites you can always manually update the plugins - there's nothing that prevents you from using it on the test sites other than automatic updates being disabled.

When you install any plugin update the expectation is that the existing plugins are updated.  That's what the premium installer does.  Doing otherwise would be like installing an update when no update actually happens.


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