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Specific need for voting/polling
Nov 16, 2023 - 6:01 pm
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I've installed the free version and reviewed the addons. Also searched this forum but didn't find an answer to this question.

My specific need is to have a topics in which all my users can read the posts and see polls but only a small subset of users can post and vote on the polls.

I am on the board of directors of a Home Owners Association. We want a forum with many topics that all of our owners can use, that is read, write, and take part in polls. But we need to have some topics and polls in which most members can only read. The ability to write and vote on associated polls must be reserved for our board members.

Does this plugin have such a capability?

Joakim (Simple:Press)
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Nov 20, 2023 - 2:01 pm
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Hi Robin!

What you want to achieve is certainly possible!

You could configure this in a few different ways. But the easiest solution is probably to create a specific usergroup for your board members. Then use the permissions to only allow board members to vote in a specific forum or group.

One possible setup could look like this

  • Member area
    • Members are allowed to read, post and vote in polls
  • Board Member area
    • Members are only allowed to read
    • Board Members are allowed to read, post and vote in polls

This would be pretty straight forward to set upp using user groups and permissions. Please let us know if you need further assistance when getting this far.

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press

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