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Still possible to move from an old 5.0 to SP 6.0+ ?
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Nov 8, 2023 - 7:11 pm
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Hi !

I'm one of the few lemon who couldn't do the switch to 6.0 a long way back. And now I'm paying the price : 6.4 WP just put myy SP 5.7 into Critical Error Mode.

Heard that the 6.10 SP fixed it but I can't get it since I'm still on 5.7... So the question is : can I still move to a 6.0+ ? I can't find tutorials about the way to properly upgrade it... And I don't want to loose my 10+ years Forum like that...

Can anybody help me on this one ?

Thanks in advance.

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Nov 9, 2023 - 5:12 pm
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Hi Marco!

Hopefully the release of 6.4.1 solves your issues but sooner or later it will stop working altogether. However there is some documentation regarding upgrading that might help. We strongly encourage you to do it on a testing server or staging server because we are pretty sure that there will be some things that needs to be fixed.

Version 5 was supported until February 2021.

Keep us posted on your plans and progress!

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Nov 16, 2023 - 4:21 pm
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Hi Marco_Sensei!

We just got a report from one of our users about a successful migration from Version: to Simple:Press 6.4.1.

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press

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